Innovation and Development

CRE Innovation and Development

Consolidating the European dimension of Innovation and Development in the energy sector in Romania

Through its own Development and Innovation Department set up in 2015, the Romanian Energy Centre Professional Association (CRE) can proudly present 9 European Projects, out of which, two already successfully implemented, three just started, all of them co-financed by the European Commission through Programs like Horizon 2020 and Erasmus Plus. Via its permanent Offices in Brussels and Bucharest, the representatives of this Innovative Team are permanently in contact with the European and National Institutions, Regulators and other Energy Associations active in the power sector and represented in both Brussels and Bucharest with the objective to create new alliances and Consortium for implementing new innovative Project Proposals selected, validated and financially recognized by the European Commission.

CRE is a Direct Partner and has promoted its members and other potential members in International Consortium, for the implementation of 9 European Energy Projects: RESERVE together with TRANSELECTRICA, SUCCESS together with ELECRICA, WiseGRID, NRG5  together with ROMGAZ, CROSSBOW together with TRANSELECTRICA and 7 other Transmission and System Operators in Central and Eastern Europe, SOGNO together with CEZ Romania and TELEKOM Romania , PHOENIX together with TRANSELECTRICA, TELETRANS and E.ON Romania (DelGaz), TRINITY and EDDIE.